INSERT INTO `pmw_infoimg` VALUES('1','1','0','0','0,','-1','-1','','111','','','','','','admin','index.php','','11','','','','uploads/image/20150903/1441270323.png','','0','1','1441264285','true','true','1441267186');
INSERT INTO `pmw_infoimg` VALUES('2','1','1','0','0,','-1','-1','',' 新农道品牌全案','','','','','','admin','','',' 日月耕新,大农有道。回归本真,品味幸福。 ','','新农道品牌全案
INSERT INTO `pmw_infoimg` VALUES('3','1','1','0','0,','-1','-1','','众鸣酒业品牌全案','','','','','','admin','','','胜利(Victory)的V、激情(Vibrant)的V、广大(vast)的V。','','众鸣酒业品牌全案\r\n\r\n客户名称:河南众鸣酒业有限公司\r\n行业属性:贸易、批发、零售\r\n服务项目:LOGO+VI设计\r\n\r\n设计方案:\r\n 胜利(Victory)的V、激情(Vibrant)的V、广大(vast)的V,三个层次分明的“V”交错重叠,向消费者展现着品牌的生命力和包容性。\r\n 米莱的创意来源于“众鸣”之“众”,标志是胜利的手势,更是张开双臂拥抱明天的姿态,寓意着人们欢聚的激情;标志亦是三人成众的团结,寓意着企业发展路上,如雄鹰般团结向上,展翅飞翔......简洁现代的线条,却可以延伸出无限多的内涵,正如众鸣酒业本身,作为年轻的白酒品牌,有着无限的发展可能。','','uploads/image/20150903/1441293202.jpg','','0','3','1441290630','true','true','1441452283');
INSERT INTO `pmw_infoimg` VALUES('4','1','1','0','0,','-1','-1','','金庄集团Logo设计','','','','','','admin','','',' 用专业聚集财富,用心守护信任。 ','','金庄集团Logo设计
\r\n 金庄集团是河南省的大型资产运营管理公司,注重价值投资和财富保障。米莱设计的品牌LOGO,从财富之“聚集”,双手之“守护”出发,传达出金庄金融服务的专业和稳健。
INSERT INTO `pmw_infoimg` VALUES('5','1','1','0','0,','-1','-1','','瑞生科技品牌全案','','','','','','admin','','',' 机械的动力,是能量的不断传递;企业的动力,则是持续的发展与进步。\r\n ','','瑞生科技品牌全案
\r\n 机械的动力,是能量的不断传递;企业的动力,则是持续的发展与进步。
\r\n 米莱在设计时考虑到瑞生行业的特殊性,标志取意于太极形象,以两股动力相辅相成,汇聚融合,表现瑞生科技可持续发展的科技理念。
\r\n 品牌整体采用具有现代感的蓝绿色系,寓意环保,希望,发展。清爽的视觉感受让每一个人感受到的不再是冷冰冰的机械,而是瑞生科技具有人文关怀的企业气息。
INSERT INTO `pmw_infoimg` VALUES('6','1','1','0','0,','-1','-1','','沃有食品品牌全案','','','','','','admin','','','沃有食品,我有我爱!','','沃有食品品牌全案
\r\n 沃有食品主要为消费者提供取材于大自然的健康食品,而食品的安全问题也是消费者关心的重要问题。作为大众消费品牌,米莱认为一方面要让消费者感受到生活的轻松惬意,另一方面,则要让消费者对沃有的品质感到放心。
\r\n 在美丽的大自然中,一只可爱的沃有小熊快乐地生活着,它亲切、淳朴、忠厚......
\r\n 米莱设计的沃有小熊是沃有精神的化身,明亮活泼的品牌色调,忠诚的沃有小熊,从内而外流露出积极向上的生活态度,传达着沃有食品的健康品质和对消费者的承诺。
INSERT INTO `pmw_infoimg` VALUES('7','1','1','0','0,','-1','-1','','哪吒山猕猴桃酒产品包装','','','','','','admin','','','奇异果酒,弥足珍贵!','','哪吒山猕猴桃酒产品包装
\r\n 猕猴桃酒是国内新兴的果酒种类,因为猕猴桃的珍贵营养,使其在中高档果酒市场占有一席之地。当米莱为哪吒山提供包装策划设计服务时,首先考虑的就是如何向消费者传达猕猴桃酒的珍贵价值,并促使其认同。
\r\n 在对项目进行调研时,米莱发现奇异果的横剖面线条精细且呈放射状分布,如同钻石般光芒闪耀。而钻石价值之珍贵与奇异果营养之珍贵也不谋而合。
\r\n 经过策划分析,米莱团队最终确定以“弥珍”、“弥贵”作为产品名称,采用特点突出的奇异果剖面图作为视觉图形,为产品建立具有识别度的记忆点,全面表现“奇异果酒,弥足珍贵”的产品价值。
\r\n 同时根据两款酒的不同定位加以区分:
\r\n 中档款“弥珍”,柔和的白和金玉色的磨砂瓶身相映成彰,简洁的奇异果形象周围,闪耀着钻石般纯净的光芒。清甜的果酒,为您带来梦幻的享受。
\r\n 高档款“弥贵”,采用具有现代感的奇异果形象,精巧细腻,散发出优雅的贵族气质。甘醇的果酒,带给您贵而有礼的生活感受。
INSERT INTO `pmw_infoimg` VALUES('8','1','1','0','0,','-1','-1','','古黄国有机大米品牌形象','','','','','','admin','','','礼到,福到,运气到。好稻,好米,好味道!','','古黄国有机大米品牌形象
\r\n 黄国古城位于而今的河南潢川县,地处河南、湖北、安徽三省边界,沃野千里,山清水秀,当地农田盛产水稻等作物,是长江以北,黄河以南的鱼米之乡。豫川粮业位于黄国腹地,集天时地利人和于一体,推出醇正香浓的“古黄国”大米,并委托米莱为其提供整体的包装策划服务。
INSERT INTO `pmw_infoimg` VALUES('9','1','1','0','0,','-1','-1','','万岁果园红枣包装(线上版)','','','','','','admin','','','打破常规的红枣包装,给你耳目一新的感受。','','万岁果园红枣包装(线上版)
\r\n 打破常规,突破传统,万岁果园生态红枣包装与一日三枣包装设计。
INSERT INTO `pmw_infoimg` VALUES('10','1','1','0','0,','-1','-1','','尚茂装饰品牌全案','','','','','','admin','','','高端品质生活缔造者。','','尚茂装饰品牌全案
\r\n 河南尚茂装饰,是一家专业从事室内外设计的装潢公司,具备国家施工二级资质。公司自成立以来,一贯秉承“质量优先,信誉为本,客户至上,追求卓越”的服务宗旨,为广大消费者提供从设计、施工到材料配送,后期配饰的一条龙服务。
\r\n 米莱为尚茂装饰提供了从品牌标志到品牌VI的部分设计。
INSERT INTO `pmw_infoimg` VALUES('11','1','1','0','0,','-1','-1','','世佳典当品牌形象设计','','','','','','admin','','','从无到有的品牌建设。','','世佳典当品牌形象设计
\r\n 世佳典当是河南金庄集团旗下的全资子公司,是经中国人民银行批准成立非银行金融机构,注册资金2000多万元,现归国家商务部管理的大型综合性典当融资公司。 公司成立之初急需一套特点鲜明、易于识别的品牌形象。米莱为世佳典当提供了从品牌标志到宣传应用等一系列设计服务。
INSERT INTO `pmw_infoimg` VALUES('12','1','3','2','0,2,','-1','-1','','向着更好的未来——米莱官网全新蜕变','','','','','','admin','','','','','015年7月15日,米莱官网全新改版升级。
INSERT INTO `pmw_infoimg` VALUES('13','1','3','2','0,2,','-1','-1','','来微信,和米莱“面对面”','','','','','','admin','','','','','搜索微信号“melinechina”,或者直接扫描二维码,关注米莱官方微信,查看米莱最新案例,和米莱在线互动!','','uploads/image/20150903/1441295900.jpg','','3','13','1441292340','true','true','1441520086');
INSERT INTO `pmw_infoimg` VALUES('14','1','3','2','0,2,','-1','-1','','世界这么大,卖萌给你看—大河网吉祥物旅行记','','','','','','admin','','','','','记得某年某月的某一天,米莱的小伙伴们为大河网提供了吉祥物设计服务:河宝娃和河宝妞。
INSERT INTO `pmw_infoimg` VALUES('15','1','4','2','0,2,','-1','-1','','Google全新Logo设计亮相','','','','','','admin','','','','','北京时间9月2日凌晨消息,谷歌今日宣布启用全新LOGO,新LOGO的推出是为了更好的适用不同的智能终端,包括智能手机、电视、手表、汽车等。 谷歌副总裁、产品经理塔马尔·约书亚(Tamar Yehoshua)表示,谷歌Logo和商标,它们最初的设计被用于单一台式电脑的浏览器页面,之后不断更新,以期能在无以计数的设备和不同种类的输入方式(如触屏、打字和对话)中适应无缝连接的世界。
INSERT INTO `pmw_infoimg` VALUES('16','1','4','2','0,2,','-1','-1','','魅族新形象LOGO设计疑似曝光','','','','','','admin','','','','','近日,一张疑似魅族的新形象logo在网上流传,追溯源头居然在新浪微博挖出了被泄露的魅族内部文件,据闻是魅族员工的私人网络硬盘密码遭暴力破解,进而被上传到了新浪微博。文件里面除了包含魅族全新的品牌logo,甚至还包含了未发布的新高端子品牌信息,不过该PPT中出现的新logo不一定是最终方案。新logo具体是什么样子,还需要等待魅族官方正式公布。','','uploads/image/20150903/1441292540.jpg','','0','16','1441292469','true','true','1441520086');
INSERT INTO `pmw_infoimg` VALUES('17','1','4','2','0,2,','-1','-1','','美国国家档案馆基金会启用新LOGO设计','','','','','','admin','','','','','美国国家档案馆基金会(National Archives Foundation)成立于1992年,是一个独立的非营利性组织。该基金会主要的职责是提供公众对国家档案的认知,鼓励公众参与其中。同时也为国家档案展览、公共项目和教育宣传活动提供资金和创意支持。
INSERT INTO `pmw_infoimg` VALUES('18','1','5','2','0,2,','-1','-1','','品牌文案的空雨伞理论','','','','','','admin','','','','','怎样让故事说得更精彩?有个日本大师的理论,叫做空雨伞。其实笔者忘了他是谁,但几年来,写过数百篇文章,累积出来的经验几乎都是靠它。
\r\n 空 = 环境,就是不会改变的事实状况。
\r\n 雨 = 我们对「空」所做出的观察,也就是环境的状况,或可能面临的变化。
\r\n 伞 = 因「雨」而做出的决策,也就是解决「雨」的方法,事件最后的结果。
\r\n 少年PI如果让张艺谋来拍,会箭如雨下。
\r\n 少年PI如果让麦可贝来拍,船一定会爆炸。
\r\n 少年PI如果让王家卫来拍,会拍10年,男主角刚好一人演完老中青三个角色。
\r\n 少年PI如果让魏德圣来拍,海面上一定会有彩虹。
\r\n 少年PI如果让民视来拍,老虎会说:PI, I’m your father,还会拍100集
\r\n4.— 天空阴阴的。不知道会不会下雨呢?我打开APP查看天气预报,却仍不确定。最近天气不太稳定,还是带把伞出门好了。
\r\n5.— 天空阴阴的,我打开APP查看天气预报,但没有把握。我想,还是带伞出门好了。最近常熬夜,我可不能冒著淋雨感冒的风险。
\r\n6.— 天空阴阴的好像要下雨了,到底会下雨吗?我打开APP查看天气预报,却仍不确定。但我想到昨天被雨淋湿,又被小美撞见的狼狈模样,还是带伞出门好了。
INSERT INTO `pmw_infoimg` VALUES('19','1','5','2','0,2,','-1','-1','','传递智慧的名言海报设计','','','','','','admin','','','','','这些个名言警句都相当耳熟了,不过,用海报设计视觉化表现出来的还没见过吧?多伦多设计师 Ryan McArthur 热衷将名人名言设计成极简抽象派的海报,并用图案诠释金句的内涵。
\r\n这些至理名言大多来自 Rumi, Oscar Wilde, 和 Thomas Edison 这些令人尊敬的著名人物。看起来他十分偏爱王尔德。
INSERT INTO `pmw_infoimg` VALUES('20','1','5','2','0,2,','-1','-1','','给素颜小镇做“包装”设计,颜值瞬间爆表','','','','','','admin','','','','','在街头进行艺术创作多年的德国涂鸦组织Germen Crew这次把创作空间搬到了墨西哥的一座小镇,因为地势高,从远处一眼就能看到。Germen Crew计划把这座素颜的小镇变成一个“彩虹村”。小镇不大,但是也有200多栋房子,要完成这浩大的工程,单靠艺术家们完美的想象力和单薄的体力是不行的,所以他们说服当地400多个家庭的居民一起投入到刷墙的工作中。','','uploads/image/20150903/1441298627.jpg','','0','20','1441292688','true','true','1441520086');
INSERT INTO `pmw_infoimg` VALUES('21','1','1','0','0,','-1','-1','','Heading goes here1','','','','','','admin','','','Ipsum. Proin gravida nibh vel velit auctor aliquet. Aenean sollicitudin, lorem quis bibendum auctor, nisi elit consequat.','','Ipsum. Proin gravida nibh vel velit auctor aliquet. Aenean sollicitudin, lorem quis bibendum auctor, nisi elit consequat.
INSERT INTO `pmw_infoimg` VALUES('22','1','1','0','0,','-1','-1','','Heading goes here2','','','','','','admin','','','Duis sed odio sit amet nibh vulputate cursus a sit amet mauris. Morbi accumsan ipsum velit. Nam nec tellus a odio.','','Duis sed odio sit amet nibh vulputate cursus a sit amet mauris. Morbi accumsan ipsum velit. Nam nec tellus a odio.','','uploads/image/20150905/1441458562.jpg','','0','22','1441452289','true','true','1441533014');
INSERT INTO `pmw_infoimg` VALUES('23','1','1','0','0,','-1','-1','','Heading goes here3','','','','','','admin','','','Sed non mauris vitae erat consequat auctor eu in elit. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per.','','Sed non mauris vitae erat consequat auctor eu in elit. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per.','','uploads/image/20150905/1441454490.jpg','','0','23','1441452318','true','true','1441533014');
INSERT INTO `pmw_infoimg` VALUES('24','1','15','1','0,1,','-1','-1','','我们的故事产品展示标题1','','','','','','admin','','','','','
INSERT INTO `pmw_infoimg` VALUES('25','1','15','1','0,1,','-1','-1','','我们的故事产品展示标题2','','','','','','admin','','','','','我们的故事_Name详细介绍','','uploads/image/20150906/1441535291.jpg','','1','25','1441530974','true','true','1441777722');
INSERT INTO `pmw_infoimg` VALUES('26','1','16','1','0,1,','-1','-1','','我们的产品展示标题1','','','','','','admin','','','','','我们的产品展示标题1详细i图文编辑区','','uploads/image/20150906/1441536131.jpg','','1','26','1441531039','true','true','1441777722');
INSERT INTO `pmw_infoimg` VALUES('27','1','16','1','0,1,','-1','-1','','我们的产品展示标题2','','','','','','admin','','','','','我们的产品展示标题2图文介绍编辑区','','uploads/image/20150906/1441539423.jpg','','5','27','1441531148','true','true','1441777722');
INSERT INTO `pmw_infoimg` VALUES('28','1','17','1','0,1,','-1','-1','','我们的顾客产品展示标题1','','','','','','admin','','','','','我们的顾客展示标题1详细介绍图文区','','uploads/image/20150906/1441539405.jpg','','1','28','1441531351','true','true','1441777722');
INSERT INTO `pmw_infoimg` VALUES('29','1','17','1','0,1,','-1','-1','','我们顾客产品展示标题展示2','','','','','','admin','','','','','我们顾客标题展示2详细介绍图文编辑区','','uploads/image/20150906/1441542487.jpg','','6','29','1441532526','true','true','1441777722');
INSERT INTO `pmw_infoimg` VALUES('30','1','2','0','0,','-1','-1','','意大利烘焙咖啡','','','','','','admin','','','经典原味司康,松软酥脆,甘甜适口。创新融入龙眼花蜜,散发芬芳气息,再缀以清甜饱满的提子干,香甜滋味恰到好处。\r\n搭配一杯COFFEE的浓缩咖啡','','经典原味司康,松软酥脆,甘甜适口。创新融入龙眼花蜜,散发芬芳气息,再缀以清甜饱满的提子干,香甜滋味恰到好处。 搭配一杯COFFEE的浓缩咖啡,香甜之余感受回味无穷。 传统司康饼是塑成三角形的,甜咸俱佳,以燕麦为主要材料,将面团放在煎饼用的浅锅中烘烤。它是起源于苏格兰的小食,它的名字源远流长,来源于苏格兰皇室的加冕地:一块被称为司康之石 (Stone of Scone)的石头。','','uploads/image/20150906/1441541015.jpg','','0','30','1441533375','true','true','1441777722');
INSERT INTO `pmw_infoimg` VALUES('31','1','2','0','0,','-1','-1','','苏门答腊咖啡','','','','','','admin','','','经典原味司康,松软酥脆,甘甜适口。创新融入龙眼花蜜,散发芬芳气息,再缀以清甜饱满的提子干,香甜滋味恰到好处。\r\n搭配一杯COFFEE的浓缩咖啡','','经典原味司康,松软酥脆,甘甜适口。创新融入龙眼花蜜,散发芬芳气息,再缀以清甜饱满的提子干,香甜滋味恰到好处。 搭配一杯COFFEE的浓缩咖啡,香甜之余感受回味无穷。 传统司康饼是塑成三角形的,甜咸俱佳,以燕麦为主要材料,将面团放在煎饼用的浅锅中烘烤。它是起源于苏格兰的小食,它的名字源远流长,来源于苏格兰皇室的加冕地:一块被称为司康之石 (Stone of Scone)的石头。','','uploads/image/20150906/1441538291.jpg','','1','31','1441533452','true','true','1441777722');
INSERT INTO `pmw_infoimg` VALUES('32','1','2','0','0,','-1','-1','','低因祥龙综合咖啡','','','','','','admin','','','经典原味司康,松软酥脆,甘甜适口。创新融入龙眼花蜜,散发芬芳气息,再缀以清甜饱满的提子干,香甜滋味恰到好处。\r\n搭配一杯COFFEE的浓缩咖啡','','经典原味司康,松软酥脆,甘甜适口。创新融入龙眼花蜜,散发芬芳气息,再缀以清甜饱满的提子干,香甜滋味恰到好处。 搭配一杯COFFEE的浓缩咖啡,香甜之余感受回味无穷。 传统司康饼是塑成三角形的,甜咸俱佳,以燕麦为主要材料,将面团放在煎饼用的浅锅中烘烤。它是起源于苏格兰的小食,它的名字源远流长,来源于苏格兰皇室的加冕地:一块被称为司康之石 (Stone of Scone)的石头。','','uploads/image/20150906/1441541348.jpg','','0','32','1441533565','true','true','1441777722');
INSERT INTO `pmw_infoimg` VALUES('33','1','2','0','0,','-1','-1','','加入COFFEE俱乐部','','','','','','admin','','','经典原味司康,松软酥脆,甘甜适口。创新融入龙眼花蜜,散发芬芳气息,再缀以清甜饱满的提子干,香甜滋味恰到好处。\r\n搭配一杯COFFEE的浓缩咖啡','','经典原味司康,松软酥脆,甘甜适口。创新融入龙眼花蜜,散发芬芳气息,再缀以清甜饱满的提子干,香甜滋味恰到好处。 搭配一杯COFFEE的浓缩咖啡,香甜之余感受回味无穷。 传统司康饼是塑成三角形的,甜咸俱佳,以燕麦为主要材料,将面团放在煎饼用的浅锅中烘烤。它是起源于苏格兰的小食,它的名字源远流长,来源于苏格兰皇室的加冕地:一块被称为司康之石 (Stone of Scone)的石头。','','uploads/image/20150906/1441541764.jpg','','0','33','1441533618','true','true','1441777722');
INSERT INTO `pmw_infoimg` VALUES('34','1','2','0','0,','-1','-1','','最新CORE卡系列的设计','','','','','','admin','','','经典原味司康,松软酥脆,甘甜适口。创新融入龙眼花蜜,散发芬芳气息,再缀以清甜饱满的提子干,香甜滋味恰到好处。\r\n搭配一杯COFFEE的浓缩咖啡','','经典原味司康,松软酥脆,甘甜适口。创新融入龙眼花蜜,散发芬芳气息,再缀以清甜饱满的提子干,香甜滋味恰到好处。 搭配一杯COFFEE的浓缩咖啡,香甜之余感受回味无穷。 传统司康饼是塑成三角形的,甜咸俱佳,以燕麦为主要材料,将面团放在煎饼用的浅锅中烘烤。它是起源于苏格兰的小食,它的名字源远流长,来源于苏格兰皇室的加冕地:一块被称为司康之石 (Stone of Scone)的石头。','','uploads/image/20150906/1441541343.jpg','','0','34','1441533679','true','true','1441777722');
INSERT INTO `pmw_infoimg` VALUES('35','1','2','0','0,','-1','-1','','咖啡心意星礼卡','','','','','','admin','','','经典原味司康,松软酥脆,甘甜适口。创新融入龙眼花蜜,散发芬芳气息,再缀以清甜饱满的提子干,香甜滋味恰到好处。\r\n搭配一杯COFFEE的浓缩咖啡','','经典原味司康,松软酥脆,甘甜适口。创新融入龙眼花蜜,散发芬芳气息,再缀以清甜饱满的提子干,香甜滋味恰到好处。 搭配一杯COFFEE的浓缩咖啡,香甜之余感受回味无穷。 传统司康饼是塑成三角形的,甜咸俱佳,以燕麦为主要材料,将面团放在煎饼用的浅锅中烘烤。它是起源于苏格兰的小食,它的名字源远流长,来源于苏格兰皇室的加冕地:一块被称为司康之石 (Stone of Scone)的石头','','uploads/image/20150906/1441535488.jpg','','3','35','1441533861','true','true','1441777722');
INSERT INTO `pmw_infoimg` VALUES('36','1','2','0','0,','-1','-1','','我们的门店就成了他们的港湾','','','','','','admin','','','经典原味司康,松软酥脆,甘甜适口。创新融入龙眼花蜜,散发芬芳气息,再缀以清甜饱满的提子干,香甜滋味恰到好处。\r\n搭配一杯COFFEE的浓缩咖啡','','经典原味司康,松软酥脆,甘甜适口。创新融入龙眼花蜜,散发芬芳气息,再缀以清甜饱满的提子干,香甜滋味恰到好处。 搭配一杯COFFEE的浓缩咖啡,香甜之余感受回味无穷。 传统司康饼是塑成三角形的,甜咸俱佳,以燕麦为主要材料,将面团放在煎饼用的浅锅中烘烤。它是起源于苏格兰的小食,它的名字源远流长,来源于苏格兰皇室的加冕地:一块被称为司康之石 (Stone of Scone)的石头。
INSERT INTO `pmw_infoimg` VALUES('37','1','2','0','0,','-1','-1','','我们的顾客感受到一种归属感','','','','','','admin','','','经典原味司康,松软酥脆,甘甜适口。创新融入龙眼花蜜,散发芬芳气息,再缀以清甜饱满的提子干,香甜滋味恰到好处。\r\n搭配一杯COFFEE的浓缩咖啡','','经典原味司康,松软酥脆,甘甜适口。创新融入龙眼花蜜,散发芬芳气息,再缀以清甜饱满的提子干,香甜滋味恰到好处。 搭配一杯COFFEE的浓缩咖啡,香甜之余感受回味无穷。 传统司康饼是塑成三角形的,甜咸俱佳,以燕麦为主要材料,将面团放在煎饼用的浅锅中烘烤。它是起源于苏格兰的小食,它的名字源远流长,来源于苏格兰皇室的加冕地:一块被称为司康之石 (Stone of Scone)的石头','','uploads/image/20150906/1441534853.jpg','','0','37','1441534223','true','true','1441777722');
INSERT INTO `pmw_infoimg` VALUES('38','1','16','1','0,1,','-1','-1','','我们的产品展示标题1','','','','','','admin','','','','','我们的产品展示标题1详细内容图文区','','uploads/image/20150906/1441540897.jpg','','12','38','1441539698','true','true','1441777722');
INSERT INTO `pmw_infoimg` VALUES('39','1','15','1','0,1,','-1','-1','','真情告白网站建设','True Confessions Website','','','','','admin','','服饰,品牌官网','杭州绮恩贸易有限公司旗品牌,品牌于1999年成立,品牌以时尚、自然、灵动为设计宗旨,将简雅、时尚、艺术融为一体。以引导潮流、锐意创新、追求完美的设计思路;坚持品质至上、精益求精的工艺要求;重视品牌形象及品牌宣传。公司拥有强大、完备的设计师团队,长期与意大利等国外服装公司密切合作。','En Trading Co., Ltd. Hangzhou Qi Qi brand, the brand was established in 1999, the brand with fashion, natural, clever design for the purpose, will be a simple but elegant, fashion, arts integration. To guide the trend, innovation, pursuit of the perfect d','
INSERT INTO `pmw_infoimg` VALUES('40','1','15','1','0,1,','-1','-1','','百艇汇网站建设','One hundred boats sink construction site','','','','','admin','','交通工具,品牌官网','百艇汇(上海)游艇投资管理有限公司于2014年1月由上海港国际客运中心开发有限公司、上海国富光启云计算科技有限公司携手创立,其中上港国客中心是我国大陆首家邮轮码头运营企业,坐拥1197米黄浦江黄金岸线,且旗下拥有游艇码头,约20个泊位,陆域约6000平方米;游艇保税仓,占地面积4200平方米;上海港国际邮轮旅行社,为国内首家专业的邮轮票务销售商;上港中免免税店有限责任公司,是经批准在全国范围内开展免税业务的国有公司;','One hundred boat sinks (Shanghai) Investment Management Limited yacht in January 2014 by the Shanghai Port International Cruise Terminal Development Co., Ltd., Shanghai Guofu KPS Cloud Computing Limited jointly founded on Port State where the customer is ','
INSERT INTO `pmw_infoimg` VALUES('41','1','16','1','0,1,','-1','-1','','龙狮戴尔服饰网站建设','Lonsdale Clothing Website','','','','','admin','','服饰 品牌官网','Clothing brand\'s official website','','
INSERT INTO `pmw_infoimg` VALUES('42','1','16','1','0,1,','-1','-1','','上海英钽电气工程有限公司网站建设','Shanghai Electrical Engineering Co., Ltd. British tantalum construction site','','','','','admin','','制造','上海英钽电气工程','Shanghai Ying tantalum electrical engineering','
INSERT INTO `pmw_infoimg` VALUES('43','1','17','1','0,1,','-1','-1','','Newport纽博特中国区官方站网站建设','Official station construction site Newport Niu Bote China region','','','','','admin','','家居','Newport纽博特中国区官方站','Newport Station Niu Bote Chinese Official','
INSERT INTO `pmw_infoimg` VALUES('44','1','17','1','0,1,','-1','-1','','洁斯商贸官方网站建设网站建设','Jie Andean Trade Official Site construction site construction','','','','','admin','','商业贸易','上海洁斯商贸有限公司','Shanghai Jie Andean Trade Co., Ltd.','
INSERT INTO `pmw_infoimg` VALUES('45','1','17','1','0,1,','-1','-1','','迪凯国际网站建设','Dikai International Website','','','','','admin','','房地产,品牌宣传官网','迪凯集团股份有限公司创立于2004年8月,是一家综合性财团型企业,总部位于钱江新城核心区,全国浙商500强企业,浙江省重质量守承诺创品牌三满意单位,浙江省清华学子总裁经济合作发展促进会实践平台,“同学经济”发展模式的践行者和成功典范,核心业务领域为房地产投资开发。','Dikai Group Co., Ltd. was founded in August 2004, is a comprehensive enterprise consortium, headquartered in the core area of Qianjiang New City, Zhejiang 500 enterprises nationwide, Zhejiang Shou-quality brand promise satisfied with the three units, Zhej','
INSERT INTO `pmw_infoimg` VALUES('46','1','15','1','0,1,','-1','-1','','颐高养生园网站建设','Ego Health Park construction site','','','','','admin','','度假村,品牌宣传官网',' 颐居养生园由颐高集团主力打造,项目总规划面积约5000亩,总投资达16亿元。颐高集团择址中国画城桐庐大奇山国家湿地森林公园核心地带,打造富春山健康城首开之作——颐居养生园,于富春山水藏风纳气、生态大美之地,构筑5000亩圈层养生度假群落。“颐居养生园”以陶渊明《归园田居》中“归园田”和“返自然”为核心,倡导健康、养生、圈层的全新理念。','Yi Habitat build Health Park main group by the Ego, the total planning area of about 5,000 acres, with a total investment of 1.6 billion yuan. Ego Group siting Chinese Videos City Tonglu Daqi Mountain National Wetland Forest Park in the heart of build Fuc','
INSERT INTO `pmw_infoimg` VALUES('47','1','20','2','0,2,','-1','-1','','效果营销实战派:如何将一套8000元的沙发,卖到58000元','Shi Zhanpai Performance Marketing: How to 8,000 yuan a sofa, sold for 58,000 yuan','','','','','admin','','','消费者在购买产品时,除了产品本身的使用价值外,更多的是购买一种感觉、文化、期望、面子、圈子、尊严、尊重、理解、地位等等象征性的意义。','When consumers buy products, in addition to the use value of the product itself, the more is to buy a feeling, culture, expectations, face, circle, dignity, respect, understanding, and so the status of symbolic significance.','第1种卖法:卖产品本身的使用价值,只能卖8000元/套
','The first one kind of method Sell: Buy the product itself use value, can only sell 8,000 yuan / sets\r\n\r\nIf you set him only when ordinary sofa, in a normal shop, with normal sales methods, perhaps it can only sell up to 8000 dollars, it may have some of the neighborhood shop proprietress price to 7800 yuan strokes off the dark trick, this is of no value innovation tragic ending.\r\n\r\n\r\nThe first two kinds of laws Sell: Buy cultural value of the product, you can sell 11,000 yuan / sets\r\n\r\nIf you design it into this year\'s most popular styles of sofa, you can sell 11,000 yuan. Next door shop proprietress price strokes off the dark strokes estimated so do not, because your sofa culture, and this culture directed at consumers are willing to pay, which is the cultural value innovative products.\r\n\r\n\r\nA third method Buy: Buy products, brand value, you can sell 15,000 yuan / sets\r\n\r\nIf you attach it to the well-known brand labels, it can sell 15,000 yuan / sets. Shop next door 7800 yuan / sets scream loud again useless, because your sofa is branded product, almost everyone is willing to pay for the brand, which is the brand value of the product innovation.\r\n\r\n\r\nThe fourth method Sell: Buy the product portfolio value, sell 20,000 yuan / sets no problem\r\n\r\nIf you make a sofa \"urban living room\" series modeling, combined into a package with a warm, stylish, attractive family package, named \"I love my home\", a group called the impression of the city, a group called the impression of living room, a group called footprints of love, selling 20,000 yuan a no problem. Next door shop proprietress is 7800 yuan / set Hanposangzai useless, a child will pull my mother to buy your \"I love my family\" family. This is the value of the portfolio of innovation.\r\n\r\n\r\nSell fifth law: Buy value product extensions, sold 25,000 yuan / sets absolutely\r\n\r\nIf you suddenly find the sofa material turned out to be: a full one hundred percent copper, imported Spanish marble imported, then I can help you dig out of its fashion, noble, elegant, personality, and there is value to the collection, sold 25,000 yuan / sets absolutely . This time next door boss embarrassed estimated 7800 yuan / sets, because who does not believe 7800 yuan / sofa sets have collectible value, which is an extension of the value of innovative products.\r\n\r\n\r\nSell sixth law: Buy value product segments, selling more than 30,000 yuan / set is not can not\r\n\r\nIf you have a sofa that your collectible \"clouds\" or \"Dragon\" ,, called \"good luck\" or \"hustle and bustle\" over the dragon or for married couples, selling more than 30,000 yuan / sets, definitely let the other party to buy a birthday gift and what a headache they xiaonianqing after paying the money back and did not forget to say \"thank you\", which is the breakdown of the market value of innovative products.\r\n\r\n\r\nSell seventh law: Buy value product packaging, selling 39,888 yuan / sets may sell more fire\r\n\r\nIf the sofa made of three different packagings: one affordable device (living room + dining), 29,888 yuan / set; second is beautifully installed (living room + dining + bedroom), sold 39,888 yuan / set; third is luxury means (bedroom + living room + dining + + hallway entrance), sold 49,888 yuan / sets. To be sure, the last is certainly not the hottest selling 29,888 yuan / sets of affordable equipment, but 39,888 yuan / sets beautifully mounted, this is the value of the product packaging innovation.\r\n\r\n\r\nEighth Sell method: selling products commemorative value, do not sell 58,000 yuan / set unless Naozijinshui\r\n\r\nIf this sofa is also being used by celebrities, has been used in any well-known place it, this sofa, do not sell 58,000 yuan / set unless head is filled, this is the commemorative value product innovation.\r\n\r\n\r\nDecoding marketing practices:\r\n\r\n1, consumers in the purchase of products, in addition to the use value of the product itself, the more is to buy a feeling, culture, expectations, face, circle, dignity, respect, understanding, and so the status of symbolic significance.\r\n\r\n2, the same set of sofa, the sofa in the world - its function, structure, the role remains the same, but with the sofa outside world changes, but its value is constantly changing.\r\n\r\n3, the same sofa, using different value innovation strategy, marketing will produce different results, if the meaning of Shen Wu planning, you will plunge into the \"couch inside world\" and get out of it?\r\n\r\nIn a nutshell, marketing is not impossible, just think.','uploads/image/20150909/1441802692.jpg','','9','47','1441801673','true','','0');
INSERT INTO `pmw_infoimg` VALUES('48','1','20','2','0,2,','-1','-1','','企业网站优化需要注重3点seo细节','Enterprises need to focus on website optimization seo details 3:00','','','','','admin','','','SEO简单来说是利用搜索引擎的搜索规则来提高目的网站在有关搜索引擎内的排名的方式。说起来做起来都很简单,但是有的人做的努力,却没有得到应有的回报,似乎搜索引擎不喜欢我们的网站','','SEO简单来说是利用搜索引擎的搜索规则来提高目的网站在有关搜索引擎内的排名的方式。说起来做起来都很简单,但是有的人做的努力,却没有得到应有的回报,似乎搜索引擎不喜欢我们的网站。这是为什么呢?其实这往往就是我们在优化的过程中忽视了一些细节,所以导致我们的优化效果并不明显。那么究竟我们在做网站SEO时应该注意哪些细节问题呢?
','SEO is simply the use of search rules to improve search engine ranking purposes in the relevant search engine\'s way. Speaking to do it is very simple, but some people do efforts, but did not get due returns, it seems that the search engines do not like our website. Why is this? In fact, this is what we tend to overlook some of the details in the optimization process, resulting in our optimization effect is not obvious. So what should we pay attention to what details do SEO website when it?
\r\nFirst, the contents of this article should first seriously and carefully. Mainly in terms of the content of the article, the article content to high-quality original articles, previously heard casually used to modify an article will be included in 30% different, but for now this time, I think this strategy can not please the search engines, articles should really seriously their own to write, the first step should be familiar with the company\'s products around the different characteristics of the product can organize many articles, and specifically this operation, the characteristics of a product can dig deep to write an article, imagine a business should be a lot of products, each product features is different, for these seoer we can make a big fuss, so that the original article was difficult to write, I can not agree, the key is to hard to find, identify its unique local organizations came out in their own language. Article requires not only quality but also have to be updated regularly point in time, this is yet another points to note, they do not understand the words can be a lot to imitate others is how to do search engine optimization for example A5 piece of paper the last few days, I found the general review following the adoption are updated after 14:00, it seemed to have an update until the evening after work, as long as the intention to find creative and skill will always be there, on site optimization operators recommend this novice friends to see more articles on the A5 as against different owners, Wangzhuan, optimized, beginners can be found in their own section of the A5, hard to learn and progress naturally self-evident.
\r\nSecond, the outreach aspect of the site should pay attention to the quality and speed. Let me talk about the author\'s practice, I have a general principle is outreach Ningquewulan, articles outreach like making friends, and moral character are really good friends we have to use to win the trust, striving for pay this friend, for conduct not end to our friends at arm\'s length, mother moved to three sufficient to explain the problem. So good external websites linked to our intention to acquire, own and sincere and websites related sites exchange links, increase the frequency of outreach to keep the uniform growth, not fluctuated, a good grasp of the degree is very important. Quality generally include outreach, the high weight of third-party blog, the correlation between links and so on.
\r\nThird, site security is the foundation. This last problem is to declare it, secure web server can be said to be like the foundation of a building, there is no basis for this, any effort made by our intentions will be lost, the recent Baidu algorithm in this web server performance is most obvious, I a website server failure that reason, the first day included decreased from 150-40 second day agenda included directly into 0, and things people can not face eventually happened, though the third day server has been restored, but the current know now still ask for the site included 0, tangled and suck, it was more than three points in the optimization process that experience, and we will study together, although the writing is poor, but all from the heart, as long as we bring a little inspiration, I have been satisfied.
\r\nThe above and share my Web site operators engaged in the process of two years and a little sad sentiment, seo optimization is not just technology, but test of patience.
INSERT INTO `pmw_infoimg` VALUES('49','1','21','2','0,2,','-1','-1','','自适应网页设计:不同的设备呈现同样的网页','RWD: different devices exhibit the same page','','','','','admin','','','随着3G的普及,越来越多的人使用手机上网。移动设备正超过桌面设备,成为访问互联网的最常见终端。于是,网页设计师不得不面对一个难题:如何才能在不同大小的设备上呈现同样的网页?','With the popularity of 3G, more and more people use the mobile Internet. Mobile devices are more than desktops, the most common terminal to access the Internet. So, web designers have to face a dilemma: how to render the same page on different sized devic','\r\n 随着3G的普及,越来越多的人使用手机上网。移动设备正超过桌面设备,成为访问互联网的最常见终端。于是,网页设计师不得不面对一个难题:如何才能在不同大小的设备上呈现同样的网页?\r\n
\r\n\r\n 手机的屏幕比较小,宽度通常在600像素以下;PC的屏幕宽度,一般都在1000像素以上(目前主流宽度是1366×768),有的还达到了2000像素。同样的内容,要在大小迥异的屏幕上,都呈现出满意的效果,并不是一件容易的事。
\r\n很多网站的解决方法,是为不同的设备提供不同的网页,比如专门提供一个mobile版本,或者iPhone / iPad版本。这样做固然保证了效果,但是比较麻烦,同时要维护好几个版本,而且如果一个网站有多个portal(入口),会大大增加架构设计的复杂度。
','With the popularity of 3G, more and more people use the mobile Internet. Mobile devices are more than desktops, the most common terminal to access the Internet. So, web designers have to face a dilemma: how to render the same page on different sized devices?
\r\nThe phone\'s screen is relatively small, usually 600 pixels width or less; PC screen width of 1000 pixels or more generally in the (mainstream width is 1366 × 768), and some reached 20 pixels. The same content to different size on the screen, show satisfactory results, not an easy task.
\r\nMany solutions website is to provide different pages for different devices, for example, specializes in providing a mobile version, or iPhone / iPad version. This of course ensures results, but too much trouble, while maintaining several versions, and if a site has multiple portal (entrance), will greatly increase the complexity of the architecture design.
\r\nThus, it has long been contemplated, can \"design once, universally applicable,\" so that the same page automatically adapt to different screen sizes, according to the width of the screen automatically adjusts the layout (layout)?
INSERT INTO `pmw_infoimg` VALUES('50','1','21','2','0,2,','-1','-1','','一号设计教你怎样提高百度竞价转化率','The 1st designed to teach you how to improve the conversion rate of Baidu bid','','','','','admin','','','现如今百度竞价已经成为一家企业网络推广的最直接的方式,只有你有钱就能随时排在首页。不过随之而来的问题就是怎么合理的去利用好账户资金来达到最佳推广效果。','Now Baidu bidding has become the most direct way to promote a business network, and only you have the money can always ranked in the home. However, the ensuing question is how reasonable to good use account funds to achieve the best promotion.','现如今百度竞价已经成为一家企业网络推广的最直接的方式,只有你有钱就能随时排在首页。不过随之而来的问题就是怎么合理的去利用好账户资金来达到最佳推广效果。
\r\n第一:流量不精准无转化。如果流量不精准就需要去调整我们的关键词的匹配模式,否词,在就就是对账号进行删词,扩词处理。(流量:地域流量大不好 公司流量词 品牌流量词)
','Now Baidu bidding has become the most direct way to promote a business network, and only you have the money can always ranked in the home. However, the ensuing question is how reasonable to good use account funds to achieve the best promotion.
\r\nToday also because we Hangzhou website construction company Bang Rong recently had a lot of customers in response to Baidu open bid but has no effect, so to write such an article you simply say why this happens next and how do we go Handle.
\r\nFirst, we determine the flow accounts are accurate, it is a prerequisite, if not accurate, that there would not be much traffic conversion, so the first thing you must do is to check the quality of our traffic.
\r\nIf the daily consumption of 3-4 hundred small accounts directly to the statistical background to take a look into our website keyword whether accurate. If the account is relatively bigger emphasis on the word facie Consumer Reports, why there petit account statistics to see Baidu search word in the search because of the small account was not a lot of statistics out there is no specific, direct look at Baidu statistics will a little better, then we say that big account how the investigation, we found high consumption of words account, these words find search terms report to see how these search terms whether accurate.
\r\nHere we need to determine the need is: nothing more accurate and inaccurate, so how to solve both cases.
\r\nFirst: no traffic is not accurate conversion. If the traffic does not need to adjust our precise keyword matching pattern, no words in the account is to be deleted on the word, spread the word processing. (Flow: geographical term traffic flow is not good company brand words flow)
\r\nSecond: the precise problem without conversion. This is also a troublesome issue is that there is no traffic problem is obviously not consulted.
\r\nWell, this time we should do for critical correlation analysis:
\r\nSite reasons: First, we determine the accuracy of the traffic is no problem, then we need to look at our auction landing page is not relevant, is not our product has a problem, if there is a problem to optimize landing pages.
\r\nOutside the station Cause: If the landing page is not a problem if we then continue troubleshooting, look at our competitors landing pages and our own comparison. For example: We are selling a type of P2P platform, the new competitors, the more favorable bids, and we sell the old version of the price is high, and if so we naturally there will be no competition.
\r\nSecond: industry issues. If the above strategies to make adjustments after consultation or not, then look at the changes in our industry, and if you do there is a seasonal product would certainly have an impact.
INSERT INTO `pmw_infoimg` VALUES('51','1','22','2','0,2,','-1','-1','','优质的服务器对SEO的影响有多大','Affect the quality of the server how much SEO','','','','','admin','','','站服务器也称网站空间或网站主机,当然也是网站的三大组成部分之一,前几天也写过这样一篇文章:做SEO也要从最基础的网站三要素开始 。既然是三大组成部分,当然也是非常重要的一个因素','Station server, also known as web space or web hosting, of course, one of the components of the three sites, a few days ago also wrote this article: do SEO should start from the most basic of the three elements of the site. Since it is a three part, of co','网站服务器也称网站空间或网站主机,当然也是网站的三大组成部分之一,前几天也写过这样一篇文章:做SEO也要从最基础的网站三要素开始 。既然是三大组成部分,当然也是非常重要的一个因素,同时也能直接影响到SEO效果。
\r\n速度是我们每个朋友买空间最关注的问题,这个也直接影响我们访问网站的速度。相信大家都喜欢浏览一些打开快的网站吧!我想没有谁愿意花上几分钟的等待然后再观看网站上的结果吧!我相信蜘蛛也不喜欢访问速度过慢的网站,因为速度太慢了会造成很多页面访问失败,这种情况导致的结果就是蜘蛛有可能把我们的 网站内容收录成打不开的页面,有的甚至是乱码。
\r\n一般空间的稳定性只有通过去使用才能知道,短时间之内是看不出一个主机是否稳定的。这里说的稳定,就是指网站无论什么时候去访问,网站基本上是正常 的,当然网站维护时间除外。稳定压倒一切,如果三天两天的打不开,也会导致网站用户体验度降低,久而久之还有可能造成网站蜘蛛经常性的无法抓取,也会因为 这个而被K站。
\r\n安全性是一个网站服务器的根本,如果速度与稳定两个条件都满足的话,安全性不高。经常性的被攻击,也会影响到网站的正常使用,同时也会直接影响到 SEO的效果。最近我们也就遇到这样的问题,等排名刚刚有上升的驱势的时候,而网站确实攻击了,程序的主要组成部分被删导致网站无法访问,结果发现关键词 排名就直接消失啦!
\r\n像我们国内的一般有双线、电信、网通 ,一般也根据我们网站的使用要求来定,一般使用最多的是电信的线路,如果是小型企业网站这个也没什么特殊要求。也主要看我们网站上的目标客户主要是来源于哪个地区,如果是国内服务器,这个就没有这种说法啦!
','网站服务器也称网站空间或网站主机,当然也是网站的三大组成部分之一,前几天也写过这样一篇文章:做SEO也要从最基础的网站三要素开始 。既然是三大组成部分,当然也是非常重要的一个因素,同时也能直接影响到SEO效果。
\r\n速度是我们每个朋友买空间最关注的问题,这个也直接影响我们访问网站的速度。相信大家都喜欢浏览一些打开快的网站吧!我想没有谁愿意花上几分钟的等待然后再观看网站上的结果吧!我相信蜘蛛也不喜欢访问速度过慢的网站,因为速度太慢了会造成很多页面访问失败,这种情况导致的结果就是蜘蛛有可能把我们的 网站内容收录成打不开的页面,有的甚至是乱码。
\r\n一般空间的稳定性只有通过去使用才能知道,短时间之内是看不出一个主机是否稳定的。这里说的稳定,就是指网站无论什么时候去访问,网站基本上是正常 的,当然网站维护时间除外。稳定压倒一切,如果三天两天的打不开,也会导致网站用户体验度降低,久而久之还有可能造成网站蜘蛛经常性的无法抓取,也会因为 这个而被K站。
\r\n安全性是一个网站服务器的根本,如果速度与稳定两个条件都满足的话,安全性不高。经常性的被攻击,也会影响到网站的正常使用,同时也会直接影响到 SEO的效果。最近我们也就遇到这样的问题,等排名刚刚有上升的驱势的时候,而网站确实攻击了,程序的主要组成部分被删导致网站无法访问,结果发现关键词 排名就直接消失啦!
\r\n像我们国内的一般有双线、电信、网通 ,一般也根据我们网站的使用要求来定,一般使用最多的是电信的线路,如果是小型企业网站这个也没什么特殊要求。也主要看我们网站上的目标客户主要是来源于哪个地区,如果是国内服务器,这个就没有这种说法啦!
INSERT INTO `pmw_infoimg` VALUES('52','1','22','2','0,2,','-1','-1','','移动电商取得成功的六大策略','Mobile providers to succeed six strategies','','','','','admin','','','首先我们必须意识到,移动设别用户对移动电商有着巨大的影响,这是一个不可否认的重要事实。电商网站多渠道营销引领单笔交易的日子已离我们而去。移动电商要想把握住这些移动用户,必须采用','First, we must recognize that mobile device users do not have a huge impact on the mobile business, which is an undeniable fact that important. Electricity supplier website multichannel marketing lead single trading day has left us. Mobile provider in ord','首先我们必须意识到,移动设别用户对移动电商有着巨大的影响,这是一个不可否认的重要事实。电商网站多渠道营销引领单笔交易的日子已离我们而去。移动电商要想把握住这些移动用户,必须采用变个性的方法,而不是等待着被动的反应和交易。
','First, we must recognize that mobile device users do not have a huge impact on the mobile business, which is an undeniable fact that important. Electricity supplier website multichannel marketing lead single trading day has left us. Mobile provider in order to seize these mobile users, we must change the method of personality, rather than waiting and reacting to the transaction.\r\n\r\n\r\nOn promotion channels, usually choose a single approach, such as e-mail or offline the ultimate mobile application on the need to maintain the degree of time online. They failing too lazy to direct mobile users to provide benefits and value of services, it is based on more indirect user activities such as login or access a URL.\r\n\r\n\r\n2, highly integrated\r\n\r\n\r\nHave to say, the web and mobile clients seamlessly together which is something of a landmark. Service-oriented architecture that allows different applications to communicate with each other like never did in the past. Integrate various resources to provide customers with value, which is the key to moving electricity supplier.\r\n\r\n\r\nOnline that provide customers with promotions, for promotion effect is not significant, but it has a special meaning in the mobile network. Now is the time to allow players outside the app phone concern, can provide more value to their partners and other integration.\r\n\r\n\r\n3, socialization\r\n\r\n\r\nSocialization has been considered mobile phone hardware killer app. Combined electricity supplier and mobile clients, must have two characteristics of marketing and promotional activities, while still allowing users to set up a group to share social media comments. Through creative ways to make consumers and their network systems involved, including those based on self-organizing network location, demographics and behavior (adhocnetworks). This is critical.\r\n\r\n\r\n4, the game of\r\n\r\n\r\nDo not underestimate those simple games and badges cumulative score of the game, which allows the potential of e-commerce products have been effectively carried out. Games of the electricity supplier is highly relevant, since it can even be widespread use of traditional electricity supplier website. It improve the loyalty of mobile phone users have a close relationship, because those users highly attracted to the target, the impulse to buy yet. If the \"play\" the good, the game between the upstart technology can create winners and business, this is an important distinction.\r\n\r\n\r\n5, consumer awareness of context\r\n\r\n\r\nCompared to computers, mobile phones biggest advantage lies in its ability to provide context. Whether through a user logs to track their location, or the delivery of dynamic and custom menus, or simply a user behavior and relatively popular products are mixed, when users use mobile e-commerce applications for consumers based on the user\'s preference understanding and action taken by the context, is a key factor in its success.','uploads/image/20150909/1441811814.jpg','','17','52','1441802081','true','','0');
INSERT INTO `pmw_infoimg` VALUES('53','1','20','2','0,2,','-1','-1','','企业如何利用网络营销挣钱?','How companies use network marketing to make money?','','','','','admin','','','倒退到5年以前,许多的企业拓展业务的主要方式还是用原来的传统方式(上门推销或通过人脉关系等),而今天不一样了,随着互联网的高速发展,今天一种新兴的拓展业务的新渠道诞生了:网络营','Back to five years ago, the main way many companies to expand their business or (door to door or through personal connections, etc.) with the original traditional way, but today is not the same, with the rapid development of the Internet, today an emergin','一、企业如何正确认识网络营销
','First, the network marketing companies how to correctly understand
\r\nBack to five years ago, the main way many companies to expand their business or (door to door or through personal connections, etc.) with the original traditional way, but today is not the same, with the rapid development of the Internet, today an emerging business expansion the new channel was born: network marketing (direct say is the point to sell products through the network).
\r\nAccording to the relevant data show that China probably has more than 4000 million businesses, of which there are about thirty to forty percent of businesses to find out about online marketing, in which companies only about 10 percent is trying to use the network marketing expand their business, and they derive a profit, with the rapid development of the Internet, to join the network marketing companies will gradually increase. Experts had predicted: e-commerce, Internet marketing will sweep the globe. This shows the problem: Internet marketing is the future trend of development, who should now implement, whoever first obtain business opportunities and wealth.
\r\nAlthough the network marketing today is still in the state to be developed, but still there are a lot of network marketing companies to recognize the existence of bias, they do not believe that we can bring business through the network for the enterprise, which can produce performance and efficiency. These thoughts so that they do not have to really try to implement Internet marketing, so that no profitable over the network. I believe that companies should better carry out online marketing, network marketing, we must first have a correct understanding of network marketing is very important preliminary concept, the idea unacceptable practice later on little value. In today\'s social development, I believe the Internet is the future trend is the first step, followed by another specific implementation and operation, recognizing a first, a second, this is crucial.
\r\nSecond, the network marketing than traditional marketing advantage
\r\n1, low cost (the cost of inputs and human intelligence website)
\r\n2, without time and space constraints (domestic and foreign, anywhere)
\r\n3, spread wide, easy and fast (there is a network computer can, timely information dissemination)
\r\n4, interactive (customers have any questions you can direct online consultation online, facilitate communication)
\r\nThird, the network marketing business in the end be able to bring what?
\r\n1, via the Internet to get more information about prospective customers and potential customers information, support traditional marketing, enhance sales!
\r\n2, through a network marketing business can enhance corporate reputation and brand value!
\r\n3, reducing the cost of sales of traditional business, achieve more efficient returns through the Internet!
\r\n4, through the corporate website to allow customers to take the initiative and business linkages, advice to buy the product!
\r\n5, surpassing rival traditional marketing strategies, have more opportunities and wealth!
\r\n6, so that the formation of enterprise network marketing system, so that business networking, easy of!
\r\nFourth, how to achieve network marketing business
\r\n1, to establish marketing website
\r\nThe first step enterprises to develop Internet marketing should be to establish marketing website. Ninety percent of companies currently have their own corporate website, but eighty percent only when the display effect, non-marketing effect. Website is the business card, is a comprehensive platform to show their products and image, if the site can better attract customers to impress clients, we will be marketing products to marketing, so the establishment of corporate marketing company website is the first step in network marketing .
\r\n2, greater efforts to promote, advertise, website operators
\r\nWebsite to do better, no one knows you exist, it is equivalent to no marketing effectiveness. Only the website information, product information, broader, bigger, wider publicity, promotion out, so that the target users know, would have been the product of consultation and further purchase. Web site operators and network marketing promotion is more important stage, requires technical strategy and policy thinking. Many companies want to do this well is not easy.
\r\n3, improve product quality, service quality and corporate image
\r\nSome companies worked hard to promote the website through the network to the customer information, but because of the quality of service and product quality corporate services personnel can not make customer satisfaction, customer direct result gone, looking for rival companies. For businesses, appeared to be successful, it results in the last service aspects of a problem. So much competition in today\'s society, in addition to price competition and quality of products than is the service, but many companies do not realize the importance of these details can not be human services, the results also allow the network marketing undertaken invalid.